Hello out there! I have to admit, I’ve been horribly inattentive to my blog. My apologies! But … I’ve created an instagram page and am posting pictures of my gardens as they go from “dead nothing” in the beginning of April to pushing through the soil towards the sun, turning green so we can actually believe that the garden will once again be worth looking at … and pictures of the appearance some actual flowers. I call it “Watch My Gardens Grow”. I’ve also been out in the woods, foraging for Ramps, Fiddleheads and other herbs that are already here and offering themselves for our food, health and well-being. Deo Gratias!
I got a nudge from my sister the other day about the blog, however. She admonished me that “if you are going to have a blog, you have to keep it up!”
So, here I am.
I have some really cool videos of walks in the early spring woods here in the Berkshires that I’d love to share with you.
If you live outside of the Berkshires, you might just feel like you are on an herb walk with me!
I hope … HOPE! that the videos don’t come out sideways. They come out sideways on my computer, but that’s because I took them with my iphone which always does that. If they do come out sideways, I’ll just have to scrap that idea and post pictures of wild herbs and herbs from my gardens as they appear.
Here goes!