Herbal Antibiotic Formula
Herbal Antibiotic Formula The overuse of antibiotics is causing germs to become resistant to them and is one of the fastest-growing concerns on the planet. We always try to use natural means before we turn to medicines – and they usually have a great affect. Our Herbal Antibiotic Formula contains herbs that have natural antibacterial properties. Begin at the first sign of infection and take for two weeks, 3X/day. Specific instructions on bottle.
Contains: Calendula off., Echinacea purp., Allium sativum (Garlic), Zingiber off. (Ginger), Nasturtium off., Plantago major (Plantain), Rosa spp. (Rose Hips), Hypericum perf. (St. Johnswort).

Herbal Antibiotic Formula 4 oz. $40
Herbal Antibiotic Formula 8 oz. $73
Herbal Antibiotic Formula 16 oz. $125