ALLERGY RELIEF: Use natural means to combat the sneeeeezing, runny nose, itchy throat and other irritating effects of allergies. The anti-histamine effect from of these carefully-chosen and time-tested herbs give relief from “God’s Pharmacy” instead of Big Pharm. This combination of herbs provides your body with the essentials it needs, including the many Vitamins and Minerals that are naturally present in the herbs.
Contains Nettles, Oregon Grape Rt., Hyssop, Lobelia, Fire Cider, Rose Hips, Licorice Rt. & Bronchial Tonic Elecampane Rt. (Inula helenium), Gingko Biloba, Cayenne (Capsicum frut..), Ginger (Zingiber off.), Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), Alfalfa (Medicago sativa), Chamomile (Matricaria cham.), Thyme (Thymus spp.), Hawthorne Berries (Crategus spp.) extracted in 25-65% alcohol.
Allergy Relief 4 oz. $40
Allergy Relief 8 oz. $73
Allergy Relief 16 oz. $125
Hi Jean, could you please tell me what herbs are in the arthritis salve. I love it. Use it on my neck, knees and shins. This is my 3rd order of it.
Since a couple of weeks ago, here in Post Falls, Idaho I am suffering from allergies. Sneezing, nose dripping, itching at roof of my mouth and head plugged up. We are getting lots of smoke from fires in Montana and Canada.
I have been drinking your tea all summer. Now, I am going to learn to make fermented Kombucha tea. Do you like it? I will use some of your herbal tea in it.
Love your show and I want to try the magnificat tea Lisa has too.
God bless you, Veronica
I make salves & balms without alcohol, but the extractions are all alcohol-based. Sorry! Jean Pollock
do you make any herbal with out alcohol?