Here at Mystical Rose Herbals we extract the properties from herbs, using appropriate alcohol solvency percentages with approximately a 1:2-3 ratio of herb to menstruum. Our single-herb extractions (tinctures) and, therefore, the combinations that we create from our extractions, are nice and strong, meaning that you are getting the most quality for your money.
Our recipes are unique and can be found nowhere else! Our suggestion is for you to see your doctor and get a diagnosis for an ailment, then call us for a consultation and we will discuss with you what herbs or herbal combination might address your symptoms. We are not doctors; we make no claims that you will be cured. However, we can assure you that the same herbs that have worked since the beginning of time are still working now and we strongly believe that it is best to work with medicines from “God’s Pharmacy” before you use synthetic medicines.
Our herbs are either grown here with no synthetics, harvested from the wild as in Olden Times or ordered from tried and trusted herbal suppliers. Our consultations are $40/half hour; $70/hour and are offered by Nationally-Certified Herbalist, Jean K. Pollock, HHP.
The ingredients of our combinations are subject to minor changes due to availability and quality of herbs. This does not change the properties or outcome of the formula. If you need a product that you do not see listed here, please contact us to see if we might have it but not have listed it.

Hi Jean,
I wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your products!
The pain relief rub is amazing. I used it night and morning Tuesday and Wednesday and noticed a difference right away. I didn’t have pain when I got out of bed in the AM and that was a surprise. I didn’t use it yesterday because I was in a rush and forgot – and, again, I really noticed the difference in my knee pain. So, there you go. I am thrilled. I’m so glad I took the leap. Other arnica products I have used in the past really didn’t do much for me.
Of course, your lip balm is luxurious and wonderful. I love it. I have to come by and get some for stocking stuffers before the holidays.
The stress relief seemed to start kicking in yesterday. My nervous system had been really ‘lit up’ for about a month and finally is relaxing. The nervous flutters in my chest are gone, and I am driving with absolutely no panic attacks.
I will be also buying more of your tea. My flem has cleared up and I’m not running through Kleenex boxes. I also feel more positive and have more energy. I have been drinking about 3 – 4 cups a day (making a small pot of tea).
It was lovely meeting you and Wiki.
All the very best,
Hi Jean,
It did arrive at the end of last week, safe and sound. We have already
started using it, and loving it. Thank you for making this wonderful item!