It’s rainy, cold and dreary here in the Berkshires today. Want to warm up — and strengthen your immune system at the same time? How about taking a bath in the Dead Sea … but doing it in the comfort of your own bathtub and without the great expense of travelling to Israel! Not only do you not have to spend thousands of dollars and travel to Israel to enjoy the therapeutic effects of bathing in the Dead Sea, you can well afford to take this bath often.
Mystical Rose Herbals offers a UNIQUE PRODUCT. We mimic a bath in the Dead Sea by offering over one pound of Dead Sea Salt for your bath … but to “kick it up a notch”, we add a full half ounce bag of herbs to enrich the specific healing experience of your bath.
By letting the hot water run over the bag of herbs, your bathtub becomes a teacup for your whole body! Add the tube of Dead Sea Salt and – voila! You have created a healing bath for yourself that can’t be beat.
Our unique combinations of herbs are designed to address specific discomforts. Feel over-loaded with toxins from the holidays? Or maybe you are suffering from a cold or the Flu? Do you have itchy skin? Under a lot of stress and need to relax? Muscles aching or suffering from arthritis? Going to give birth soon? Just given birth? Or maybe you are suffering from the effects of Menopause? We address each one of these discomforts individually!
You won’t find another product like ours!
Go to to order yours now.
All the best,
Jean Pollock, HHP