Category: News

Elderberry flowers are coming!

Greetings on this first weekend of the Summer of 2017!  On this Saturday’s radio show I will tell you about the Elderberry (Sambuca nigra) bush.  This “wonder-full” plant is called “Elder” because it is chock-full of health benefits; it is one of the “elders” of the plant world.  (It has so many uses that Hippocrates called it his “Medicine Kit”!)  The Elderberry plant grows easily all over the country except in the most arid and hot states, and is beginning to flower now.  Keep an eye out for this great friend of humanity, and if you’d like to know more about it, listen to my show!  To join us, tune in to at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00, 4:30 & 6 p.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME (adjust according to your own time zone) on your computer.  Having trouble finding the show?  Go to the, then click on the “RADIO” tab, and then “Broadcast Schedule”.  Scroll down and you’ll find Mystical Rose Herbals days & times to be broadcast.  I hope you enjoy the show!

Jean Pollock, HHP

Elderberry is used in our Cold & Flu Formula. You can also purchase it as a “simple”, meaning that it is “simply” Elderberry Extraction.


Disclaimer:  The views of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those of Mystical Rose Herbals


Saturday’s Radio Show: Taking Your Health Into Your Own Hands

On tomorrow’s radio show http://( will continue to talk about how you can take your health into your own hands.  What should you be eating?  What foods should you avoid?  Each of us is “in the driver’s seat” of our own health — let’s take the challenge and see what we can do to improve our overall health.  I will give you some ideas on how to prepare your own meals and rely less on processed foods from the grocery store, even if you are living a busy life and find that you have very little time to cook!  Please join us tomorrow morning – click on the link above at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (move times accordingly the more westerly you are) to catch the show.  You can also access previous shows on soundcloud if you’d like to hear past shows

We knew that the sun would shine!

Ahhhhh!  What a wonderful feeling when the sun finally shines after it’s been raining for so long!!






There was no doubt that the sun was shining somewhere above the clouds, but today the clouds broke and we could see the sun for ourselves.  Just look at the beauty of the Lupines as they bask in the warmth!  Next are the Columbines – such a delicate and amazing flower.

REMEMBER: Please take precautions against ticks!

Even though you may have applied an excellent repellent,

BUG OFF! All natural, herbal insect repellent. NO DEET

remember that there are no guarantees!  The ticks are horrendous this year and the cases of Lyme Disease are on the rise. Please get in the habit of checking yourself and your loved ones for ticks every night before you retire for the evening.  “Floss & brush your teeth, wash your face and check for ticks!”  are the new instructions for getting ready for bed in our home.  Suggestion: leave a hand-held mirror near the toothbrush holder to inspect hard-to-see areas of the body.

Gloomy weather?


If it’s been raining and if rain is what’s predicted for the next few days in your area like it is here in the Berkshires,

don’t let it get you down!

Remember that the sun is still shining above the clouds, even though we can’t see it!

It won’t be cloudy forever and the rain will make the green even greener…soon the sun will shine again and with it will come summertime and beautiful flowers!   As you can see, the Iris and the Allium will share their glorious colors, rain or shine!

Planting by the Signs of the Moon – Aries

A nearby Beaver Dam (sorry for the bad language!  I mean Beaver DARN…!  😉 in the early spring.


If you have been following my posts, you’ll know that we have been talking about planting in the manner of the ancients — i.e. pre-technology, when the best way to know when to plant in order to harvest the most abundantly was to plant by the signs of the moon.  Today the moon is in Aries, which is considered A fire sign. Barren and dry. “Gardening by The Moon” expert Caren Catteral of says of Aries: “Harvest root and fruit for storage. Cultivate, destroy weeds and pests”.

Aries ♈ (meaning “ram”) is the first astrological sign in the zodiac.

So, even if it’s raining where you are (like it is here in the Berkshires!), hold off until this coming Saturday, when the moon will be going through the sign of Cancer, which is fruitful and moist.

For a complete explanation of this old-fashioned-but-extremely-successful way of planting, go to  I’ve learned a lot from them and highly recommend their site for easy understanding.

Have fun!  (And stay dry…!)


Herb gardening is an experience in real aromatherapy

Did you put your plants in this weekend?


Planting by the Moon Signs

Hi Friends!

It’s that wonderful time of year when we can finally get outside, rake out our gardens and think about what we are going to plant. Every year it’s so joyful to be able to spot a sale and come home laden with colorful 6-packs of flowers!
I’m not one of those folks who insists on buying only from nurseries — I’m really happy when my local grocery store has plants outside on sale for 3 for $10!  I work them into my budget, getting only a few at a time, which also gives me not too much work ahead as far as planting goes.  Since I get them before I get my groceries, if I have to forego the toilet paper or toothpaste, oh well (JUST KIDDING!!).  But you get my point, right?  With just a little bit of adjustment, you can afford to fill your yard with flowers, a bit at a time.

But wait!!  Speaking of planting, BEFORE you plant this year, would you like to learn how to plant by the signs of the moon?

I’ll explain more as we go along, but for now, I’ll just tell you a bit.  Years ago, before the advent of technology, everyone used to plant (and do most everything) according to the signs of the moon.  My mother, who at the age of 86 still has beautiful, thick, blonde (ahem!) hair, has always said that her father (my Nonno), would never allow my grandmother to cut her hair unless it was a new moon – in his thick Italian accent he would say, “maakes her haier grrow niice and theeck”!  He had beautiful hair until the day he died at 88 and my mom’s hair, as I said, is gorgeous at 86.  (Why she never has gone grey, I can’t imagine … 😉)
             Scorpio Aries   Taurus   Gemini Cancer
Back to planting!  Did you see this post earlier? If you waited to plant when the old timers would have planted, according to the best time when the ground is ready and just itching to be planted, this past May 9th was perfect to put in your above-ground annuals.  The moon was in Scorpio, which is a water-sign.  Whether it looks it or not, there is more water near the surface of the soil during the earth and water signs.  The soil is more fertile, more able to nourish seeds and plants.  This past weekend the moon was in Pisces (sign of the fish), which is another “earth sign” and fabulous for planting.  The moon is now in Aires, which is a “fire sign” and even though it may be raining outside, the soil is not as able to nourish and germinate as well as it is when it is in an “earth” and “productive” sign.  This coming Wednesday, May 24, the moon will be in Taurus (sign of the Bull) which is another GREAT planting sign.  Since the moon is in its final day of waning, it is “pulling” on the other side of the earth, which indicates that it is best for planting for root growth.  Plant potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, etc. on Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday the moon goes into Gemini (the twins) which is considered an “air” sign; barren and dry.  Best to wait to plant until Sunday or Monday when the moon will be in Cancer (the crab) and a waxing crescent.  Cancer is very fruitful and moist!  Have fun!!

If you can wait until Friday…

I know how beautiful it is outside … and it’s been SO rainy and cold (we had fires in the woodstove all weekend!) … but IF you can withstand the temptation to plant today, your plants will “take” better if you plant on Friday & Saturday because today the moon is in Aquarius, Aquarius Sign which is (believe it or not and regardless of how it sounds) a fire sign and not the greatest for planting.  If you can wait until Friday, the moon will be in Pisces.   According to centuries of planting practice, Pisces is one of the best signs to plant under because it is a “water sign”.  It is very productive and moist, second best sign for planting and transplanting.  Especially good for root growth and irrigation.  Even though the moon is waning, go ahead and plant your garden during Pisces.  Can you wait … ?  I

Plenty of times I have resisted the temptation to plant during the wrong sign.  When I transplant under a “fertile, earth sign” it is amazing to watch how the plants adapt.  They almost don’t even need watering because the earth is so ready for them!  They stand up straight and are as happy as can be!

Harvested Calendula



Saturday, December 17   10:00 AM to 2:00 PM


  Monument Valley Regional Middle School, Great Barrington, MA

   Great food, dinner ingredients, Christmas music, free face-painting and, best of all, MYSTICAL ROSE HERBALS will be there with our all natural & organic health and beauty products!  We will be showcasing our Luxurious Lemon Dead Sea Exfoliating Salt Scrub, so be sure to stop by and see what we have to offer for your last-minute gifts.