Calm down, ya’ll … and more! Did you know that not only is St. Johnswort Herb used for calming frazzled nerves, but it also is used to bring your spirits up if you are feeling sad and sliding towards depression? Herbs can regulate the body.
Find out more about St. Johnswort on tomorrow’s radio show.
Set the alarm on your computer and remember to join us on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00; 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (adjust according to your time zone).
We hope you enjoy the show!
– Jean
Disclaimer: The opinions of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals.
Poison Ivy and other plants that cause what is known as “Contact Dermatitis” can be the bane of one’s summer. Join us for tomorrow’s radio interview as we talk about these toxic plants, how to recognize and avoid them and then how to use herbal remedies from medicinal plants that grow nearby the poisonous ones to ease the effects – naturally – from the rashes inflicted, should you be so unlucky as to be a “victim”!
Set the alarm on your computer and remember to join us on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00; 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (adjust according to your time zone).
We hope you enjoy the show!
– Jean
(Disclaimer: The opinions of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals.)
Since Mike just returned from a 33-mile pilgrimage and his feet are sore and blistered, we decided it might be a good idea to talk about addressing the issues of aches, pains and sore feet on this Saturday’s radio show. It’s summer! Many folks are hiking, biking, and otherwise enjoying the great outdoors. Here are some ways to counteract the negative effects that sometimes occur when we over-exert ourselves. Listen on Saturday morning as we discuss some natural remedies to make you feel better after over-doing it with exercise!
Set the alarm on your computer and remember to join us on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00; 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (adjust according to your time zone).
We hope you enjoy the show!
– Jean
(Disclaimer: The opinions of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals.)
On tomorrow’s Mystical Rose Herbals Radio Show I will talk about how to keep your skin young and vibrant-looking and tell you some of the secrets of our “Maiden’s Glow Herbal Face Cream” (including the funny story of how one of our sons thought it looked so good that he snuck a fingerful when I wasn’t looking!)
It’s important to take care of your skin — it is the first thing that folks see when they look at you!
You’ll learn that my recipe is based on the recipe that Cleopatra used for her beauty cream … only it’s even better!!
On tomorrow’s Mystical Rose Herbals Radio Show I’ll tell you about Yarrow, a wonderful herb that has been used since time immemorial. Achilla Mellifolia, its Latin name, comes from the Greek hero of the Trojan War, Achilles, who was protected in battle from bloodshed from his head to his toes … but not his heels. An arrow struck him in the heel and he was mortally wounded. Because Yarrow is a “stypic” herb, meaning that it staunches bleeding, if Achilles had had this valuable herb, he would have been safe in battle, even if one of his heels had been pierced with an arrow! Join us as we discuss the valuable blood-staunching aspect of this wild, wonderful and beautiful herb along with the other properties it contains. Click on:
Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00; 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (adjust according to your time zone).
We hope you enjoy the show!
– Jean
Three Yarrows, growing in my garden
(Disclaimer: The opinions of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals.)
It’s no secret that America is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. On the other hand, looking like a model or trying to look like you did when you were a teenager even though you are well past those days is unrealistic, not to mention completely unnecessary!
But if you are over a healthy weight and would like to shed some pounds, you might want to consider using this Herbal Weight Loss Formula. It contains vitamins & minerals that keep your body nourished as well as providing a “full” feeling while you are learning to control bad eating habits and develop new and healthier habits.
Note: Your body doesn’t register “full” during a meal until you are well past how much you actually need to eat. The Japanese stop eating when they feel about 80% full because they understand this. It’s amazing how much less food we could actually survive on!
you’ll see a video that I took yesterday of wild Mullein herb growing in abundance! Take a peek! The 10th person to make a comment gets 10% off a 2 oz. bottle of Bronchial Formula! Go to
Listen once again to how to plant a “Mary Garden” of your own, using plants named after Mary, the Mother of Jesus today on radio show at 2:00, 4:30 & 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. (Adjust time according to where you live). I hope you enjoy the show!
(Disclaimer: The opinions of are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals)
If there is one herb that even the most novice herbalist will probably recognize, it is St. Johnswort. St. Johnswort blooms around the Feast of the birth of St. John the Baptist and is a specific for nerves. That means that a nice cup of St. Johnswort tea can calm frayed nerves and can also help you get a good night’s rest. It is even also used as a natural alternative for Ritalin. Learn more about this amazing herb on tomorrow’s radio show. Join us by logging on tomorrow morning or afternoon: at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00, 4:30 & 6 p.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME (adjust according to your own time zone) on your computer. Having trouble finding the show? Go to the, then click on the “RADIO” tab, and then “Broadcast Schedule”. Scroll down and you’ll find Mystical Rose Herbals days & times to be broadcast. I hope you enjoy the show!