Category: gathering herbs

Elderberry flowers are coming!
Greetings on this first weekend of the Summer of 2017! On this Saturday’s radio show I will tell you about the Elderberry (Sambuca nigra) bush. This “wonder-full” plant is called “Elder” because it is chock-full of health benefits; it is one of the “elders” of the plant world. (It has so many uses that Hippocrates called it his “Medicine Kit”!) The Elderberry plant grows easily all over the country except in the most arid and hot states, and is beginning to flower now. Keep an eye out for this great friend of humanity, and if you’d like to know more about it, listen to my show! To join us, tune in to magnificatmedia.com/mysticalroseherbals at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00, 4:30 & 6 p.m. EASTERN STANDARD TIME (adjust according to your own time zone) on your computer. Having trouble finding the show? Go to the magnificatmedia.com, then click on the “RADIO” tab, and then “Broadcast Schedule”. Scroll down and you’ll find Mystical Rose Herbals days & times to be broadcast. I hope you enjoy the show!
Jean Pollock, HHP
Elderberry is used in our Cold & Flu Formula. http://www.mysticalroseherbals.com/herbal-extractions/cold-flu-relief/ You can also purchase it as a “simple”, meaning that it is “simply” Elderberry Extraction.
Disclaimer: The views of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those of Mystical Rose Herbals

Foraging for Wild Medicinal Herbs
Yarrow Wild Ginger
The ground has been thawing and warming, allowing the roots to ever-so-gently be awakened as they respond to the warming soil around them. Energy from the sun has permeated the earth’s surface and stirred the slumber of the plants and they readily absorb this energy.
Young Ground Ivy
The cycle of life is renewed and as the roots fill to bursting with new life, they must express their fullness by sending forth new signs of the life that is within. New little sprouts of differing shades of green can be seen poking their leaves up to renew this world that has been waiting for their appearance.
Lemon Balm Herb Robert
Early April is the perfect time to take a walk to explore the plant life that’s been busy for the past month or so. You’ll be able to spot clumps of day-lilies, which are edible from their first sprouting leaves to the buds & flowers.

“Coltsfoot” (Tussilago farfara) is one of the earliest flowers to appear in spring. A specific, long used to alleviate coughs (hence the Latin name “Tussilago”, which means “cough”), the little, low-growing yellow flower is often mistaken for a dandelion. Both the flowers (which appear before the leaves) and the leaves can be used to make herbal medicine.