Author: Promote Globally

Commonsense Health Measures
Employ commonsense health measures to promote good health; drink a lot of pure water – from 4 to 8 glasses a day, as well as lots of fruit & vegetable juices and herbal health teas. Eat high quality whole wheat bread (sourdough bread offers your digestive system a wonderful array of digestive-stimulating enzymes), less meat & dairy and more raw fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you get sick, try natural methods before you give up and go to the doctor. If you have a serious complaint, by all means, see a competent physician. We highly recommend those who incorporate the use of herbs into their practice.
We believe that the bottom line to good health, however, has a lot to do with how one looks at life. Do you have a positive attitude? Are you cheerful? Do you acknowledge everything as coming from the Holy Will of God with the exception of your own sins? Give thanks to God in all things, praise Him always and stay in the state of Grace. Make frequent acts of adoration, especially in times of trial, because these trials are your jewels; they can unite you with Our Lord’s suffering on the Cross. This even applies to someone else’s sins, which cause you pain. Unite your pain with the pains of Jesus upon the Cross of our Redemption. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING: 1)“Uniformity With God’s Will” by St. Alfonse de Liguori (TAN Books / 1-800-437-5876) and 2)“The Four Temperaments”, which is published by: The Pallotine Fathers, Inc., 5424 W. Bluemond Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53208-3097. Written in 1934 by Rev. Conrad Hock, it is a masterpiece of self study and we highly recommend it.
Rosa Mystica, Ora Pro Nobis!

Our Outlook at Mystical Rose Herbals
All of our products are handmade with the utmost care. Each of our products were Created and Developed by Jean Pollock, HHP; Nationally-Certified Medical Herbalist since 1999. We use no parabens, petroleum or preservatives in our products. No animal testing, ever. All vegetarian ingredients. We hope that you will enjoy all of our products and we add new products frequently! Please consider that your skin is your largest, most porous organ. We suggest that nothing be put in your skin that cannot be put in your mouth. NOURISH YOUR BODY FROM THE OUTSIDE IN! For best results, use all-natural and organic products. Please re-use or recycle your jar. It’s a beautiful, cobalt blue and makes a nice ring or earring holder. It can also be used to carry change in your car. Any more ideas for re-using your beautiful jars? Post ’em!
Because we use no chemical preservatives, we seal air out from our Face Cream with a combination of Local Beeswax and food-grade Cheese-wax. If your product disappoints you, please return it to us (not the store where you purchased it) and we will happily replace it.