Author: mysticalroseherbals
Jean Pollock, Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), registered since 1999 with the American Board of Drugless Practitioners, and holding a Certificate of Completion from Foundations in Herbal Medicine, has been studying and using all-natural foods and medicines since 1977.

Making Homemade Grape Jelly from Wild Grapes … cont’d.
Hello again! So here we are on Day #2 of making your own grape jelly. It’s actually kind of too late in the season here in the Berkshires to pick wild grapes because we’ve had too many killing frosts and the grapes look more like raisins on the vine. But these were picked in time and it’s fun to see that it can be done — and easily! You might be able to go to your local farmers’ market, if they are still operating, and buy some Concord Grapes. They have the most flavor and, other than wild, I have never used any other kind to make grape jelly. OR … believe it or not … you can simply buy frozen grape juice concentrate from the frozen food section of your grocery store and that’s the easiest. Keep in mind that you don’t need grapes to make jelly or jam — you can always use another fruit or berry. Try peaches, apples (for apple butter!), plums, cherries, etc.

Making Grape Jelly from Wild Grapes

Olive Oil Matches the Chemical Makeup of Your Skin
Mystical Rose Herbals has always used pure Olive Oil as the base for all of our salves, balms, face & body creams. Having recently returned from a trip to Italy to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of our company, I talk with Mike & Lisa about the wonders of Italy — and focus on the health benefits of olive oil, so plentiful in Italy and in our own products.
Join us tomorrow as we regale you with the glories of Italy and one its most famous products!
Tune in on Saturday to http://www.magnificatmedia.com/
(Sometimes you have to be patient … occasionally the main computer has a glitch and the show can start up to 10 minutes later than it’s supposed to. Mike is working on it, but in the meantime we have to live with it. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. If it doesn’t come up as it should, go to “Radio” on the menu and find it there. Many of the earlier shows are available on soundcloud.)
The show airs Eastern Standard Time at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on your computer. (Move the times according to your time zone.)
You can write in your comment below, and we’ll even read some of them aloud on a subsequent show if you’d like.
We hope you’ll join us!
Jean Pollock, Holistic Health Practitioner
Mystical Rose Herbals
Disclaimer: The views aired on magnificatmedia.com are not necessarily those of Mystical Rose Herbals

Take your shoes off? Really?
Is going barefoot now and then (or even more often) actually good for you? Mike, Lisa and I discuss this surprising theory and more on tomorrow’s computer radio show.
Last week I gave you a recipe for homemade Macaroni & Cheese (the ultimate comfort food for cold weather!) at the end of the show. This week I’ll give you my recipe for Maple Butternut Squash — so good that even my picky son-in-law asks for seconds when I make it!
Tune in on Saturday to http://www.magnificatmedia.com/
(Sometimes you have to be patient … occasionally the main computer has a glitch and the show can start up to 10 minutes later than it’s supposed to. Mike is working on it, but in the meantime we have to live with it. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. If it doesn’t come up as it should, go to “Radio” on the menu and find it there. Many of the earlier shows are available on soundcloud.)
The show airs Eastern Standard Time at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on your computer. (Move the times according to your time zone.)
You can write in your comment below, and we’ll even read some of them aloud on a subsequent show if you’d like.
Build your immune system while you still have time – before the snow flies!
Jean Pollock, Holistic Health Practitioner
Mystical Rose Herbals
Disclaimer: The views aired on magnificatmedia.com are not necessarily those of Mystical Rose Herbals

Ticks Are Still With Us
On this Saturday’s computer radio show we discuss ticks and Lyme disease. Did you know that insects other than ticks may carry the disease, too? Lyme is a silent epidemic in our country. It’s not just on the East Coast anymore. Learn the symptoms of this dreadful and crippling disease and how to protect yourself from ticks & tick-borne diseases.
Tune in on Saturday to http://www.magnificatmedia.com/
Sometimes you have to be patient … occasionally the main computer has a glitch and the show can start up to 10 minutes later than it’s supposed to. Mike is working on it, but in the meantime we have to live with it. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. If it doesn’t come up as it should, go to “Radio” on the menu and find it there. Many of the earlier shows are available on soundcloud.
The show airs Eastern Standard Time at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on your computer. (Move the times according to your time zone.)
You can write in your comment below, and we’ll even read some of them aloud on a subsequent show if you’d like.
I’ll “see” you on Saturday!
In the meantime, enjoy the beauty of Goldenrod while it lasts!
In Good Health,
-Jean (Fiori)
Herbal Insect Repellent – ALL NATURAL Puts a wall between you and insects!

Constellations in the Sky & Herbs in the Tea
We have a number of interesting things to talk about this Saturday!
This coming Friday there will be a most unusual group of constellations that come together in the sky. Together they form the prophecy in the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation. The last time this group was situated anything like this was in 1827 – 110 years ago! Before that it was an even longer stretch of time. In previous years it was almost exactly as the prophecy describes, but this year it is exactly as it’s described in the Prophecy. According to Astronomers, “ On that date, according to various Internet sources, the heavens themselves will be a tableau of Revelation 12:
A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth.… She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod.
On September 23, 2017 the sun will be in the zodiac constellation Virgo-“a woman clothed with the sun”. The moon will be at the feet of Virgo-“with the moon under her feet”. The ‘nine’ stars of the zodiac constellation Leo, plus three planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), will be at the head of Virgo-“on her head a crown of twelve stars”. The planet Jupiter will be in the center of Virgo, and as the weeks pass after September 23 Jupiter will exit Virgo to the east, past her feet, so to speak-“She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”. Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the “king” of the planets, so to speak-“She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”.
So we discuss this a bit, and then, seeing as how the season is reminding us that colder weather will soon be upon us, our discussion turns to … a nice cup of tea!
I will give you a bit of a background and some of the ingredients in Berkshire Meadows Herbal Health Tea – a delicious, kid-tested recipe that I put together years ago so that our children could get their vitamins and minerals from a food source instead of a tablet.
I hope you’ll join Lisa, Mike and me TODAY at magnificatmedia.com/mysticalroseherbals. The show airs on Saturdays at 7:30, 2:00, 4:30 & 6:00 all Eastern Standard Time (adjust accordingly as you move westerly). Please bear with us if the show doesn’t come up exactly on time; sometimes it’s a bit late but that’s a glitch that we hope will be worked out soon.
As always, many of the shows are available for listening on Soundcloud podcasts on the magnificatmedia.com/radio website. Here’s a show from last year:
Stay healthy! Build that immune system before the winter colds & flu season hits!
Jean Pollock, HHP
Mystical Rose Herbals
Disclaimer: The views aired on magnificatmedia.com are not necessarily those of Mystical Rose Herbals

Goldenrod Gets A Bad Rap!
On this coming Saturday’s Mystical Rose Herbals radio show I explain how Goldenrod gets a bad rap. It’s not the Goldenrod that’s causing your allergic reaction! It’s probably Ragweed, which is less abundant as a plant but hundreds of times more prolific as an allergen.
Tune in on Saturday to http://www.magnificatmedia.com/mysticalroseherbals
and listen to all the wonderful properties that Goldenrod has! It has many uses … and you can pick it and put it in a flower arrangement without worrying about allergies. How about that?!

Sometimes you have to be patient … occasionally the main computer has a glitch and the show can start up to 10 minutes later than it’s supposed to. Mike is working on it, but in the meantime we have to live with it. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. If it doesn’t come up as it should, go to “Radio” on the menu and find it there. Many of the earlier shows are available on soundcloud.
The show airs Eastern Standard Time at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on your computer. (Move the times according to your time zone.)
You can write in at growingtheglow.com with your comments and we’ll even read some of them aloud on a subsequent show if you’d like.
I’ll “see” you on Saturday!
In the meantime, enjoy the beauty of Goldenrod while it lasts!
In Good Health,
-Jean (Fiori)
(Disclaimer: The views held by Magnificatmedia.com are not necessarily those of mystical rose herbals.)

Are you paying attention?
To your health, that is? Avoiding non-nutritive foods? Eating healthy and “real” foods? Getting outdoors in the fresh late-summer air? Are you moving – I mean so that your heartbeat increases for at least 30 minutes a day? These are some of the things that we’ll be talking about on this Saturday’s upcoming radio show.
Join us! Tune in on your computer this coming – and every – Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to hear the show. (Adjust times accordingly as you move west). If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail them — we may even address them on an upcoming show!
Note: Sometimes you may have to give the show a few minutes before it loads, leaving some “empty” time (music plays) after the posted show-time but before you hear the interview. Thanks for your patience while Mike works this bug out of the system. (You may also be able to set a timer on your computer so the show will simply come on at the set time.)
Hope you enjoy the show! (Note: Pictured above are pole beans. It’s not too early to start thinking about planting a garden next spring! And remember that you can always try to grow lettuce and herbs indoors in a sunny spot at any time of the year.)
Stay healthy,
~Jean Pollock, HHP, Mystical Rose Herbals
Disclaimer: the views aired on magnificat media are not necessarily those of mystical rose herbals

The power of Boneset herb
In this week’s radio show Mike, Lisa and I talk about the herbs that are ready for harvesting now, in late summer. Featured is Boneset, which is an herb that is widely prized by herbalists for its ability to speed the healing time of broken bones, pulled tendons, sore muscles, etc.
Set the alarm on your computer and remember to join us on Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; 2:00; 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (adjust according to your time zone).
We hope you enjoy the show!
Stay healthy nature’s way!

– Jean
Disclaimer: The opinions of Magnificat Media are not necessarily those held by Mystical Rose Herbals.